Program Application

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    Conversion action Online purchase with processed valid payment
    Cookie days 90 days
    Commission type Percent of Sale
    Base commission 10.00%
    Additional terms We value your partnership and want to ensure you understand how commissions will be paid. 1. Commission Payment Schedule Commissions will be processed and paid on the 15th of each month for sales completed in the previous calendar month. For example, commissions earned in January will be paid on 15th February. 2. Payment Method Payments will be made via PayPal. Please ensure your payment details are up to date in your account settings. This is your responsibility. We accept no responsibility for the correct receipt, access or integrity of the PayPal details you provide. 3. Minimum Payout Threshold A minimum balance of £50 must be reached before any commission is paid. If your balance is below £50, it will roll over to the next month until the threshold is met. 4. Commission Adjustments Any refunds, returns, or chargebacks on referred sales will be deducted from your total commissions. You will be notified of any adjustments to your earnings. 5. Payment Currency All payments will be made in AUD and calculated on date of payment. Thank you for being a valuable partner in promoting Pago International.

    Pago International Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions

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    Pago International Pty Ltd Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions

    Welcome to the Pago International Affiliate Program. By enrolling in this program, you, as the Affiliate, agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth below. These terms and conditions govern the Affiliate's participation in the program and outline the obligations and rights of both parties. Pago International Pty Ltd ("Pago International") reserves the right to update, modify, or terminate the program and these terms at any time, with or without prior notice. Your continued participation in the program constitutes your acceptance of any changes.

    1. Commission Payment Schedule

    Affiliates are entitled to earn commissions for qualifying sales referred to Pago International. Commissions will be processed and paid on the 15th of each month for sales completed in the previous calendar month. For example, commissions earned in January will be paid on 15th February. A qualifying sale is defined as a sale that is fully paid for by the customer, not subject to any refunds, cancellations, or chargebacks.

    2. Payment Method

    Commission payments will be made exclusively via PayPal. It is the Affiliate's sole responsibility to ensure that their PayPal account details are accurate and up to date within the program dashboard. Pago International accepts no liability for any failure, delay, or inaccessibility in receiving commission payments due to incorrect or invalid PayPal information provided by the Affiliate. In the event that a payment is rejected or delayed due to incorrect payment details, the Affiliate will be responsible for any costs incurred in processing a new payment.

    3. Minimum Payout Threshold

    A minimum commission balance of £50 must be accrued before any payment is made. If an Affiliate's commission balance is below £50, it will be carried over to the following month until the minimum threshold is reached. Pago International reserves the right to alter this minimum payout threshold at any time.

    4. Commission Adjustments and Clawbacks

    Pago International reserves the right to adjust or withhold commissions in the event of returned products, cancelled orders, or chargebacks. In such cases, the Affiliate's commission will be reduced accordingly. If commissions have already been paid on such sales, Pago International reserves the right to recover the commission amounts paid through future commission payments or by direct reimbursement from the Affiliate.

    5. Payment Currency and Exchange Rates

    All commission payments will be made in Australian Dollars (AUD). Any applicable currency conversions will be based on the exchange rate at the time of payment, and any currency conversion fees will be borne by the Affiliate.

    6. Termination of Affiliate Agreement

    Pago International reserves the right to terminate the Affiliate's participation in the program at its sole discretion and without prior notice, including but not limited to the following circumstances:

    • Violation of these terms and conditions.
    • Engaging in any activity deemed harmful to the Pago International brand or reputation.
    • Failure to comply with applicable laws and regulations governing marketing, advertising, and affiliate activities.

    In the event of termination, Pago International may withhold any unpaid commissions and reserves the right to pursue legal action for any damages caused by the Affiliate's conduct.

    7. Content Removal Upon Request

    Affiliates are required to immediately remove any content related to Pago International within 24 hours of receiving a written request from Pago International. This may include content deemed misleading, outdated, or in violation of brand guidelines. The Affiliate will be solely responsible for all costs associated with the removal of such content, and failure to comply may result in the termination of the affiliate agreement and forfeiture of any unpaid commissions. Pago International reserves the right to seek reimbursement for any damages or losses incurred due to non-compliance.

    8. Intellectual Property and Brand Ownership

    Pago International Pty Ltd retains all ownership rights to its intellectual property, including but not limited to trademarks, logos, trade names, and all associated branding. Affiliates are granted a non-exclusive, revocable licence to use such materials solely for the purpose of promoting Pago International products. Affiliates must use the materials in accordance with the brand guidelines provided by Pago International. Any unauthorised use, alteration, or misuse of the intellectual property will result in immediate termination from the program and may subject the Affiliate to legal action.

    9. Brand Guidelines and Compliance

    Affiliates must strictly adhere to all branding and marketing guidelines provided by Pago International. This includes the correct usage of logos, product images, and other marketing materials. Affiliates must not engage in any misleading, deceptive, or unlawful marketing practices. Pago International reserves the right to review and approve all content created by the Affiliate that relates to its products or brand. Non-compliance with brand guidelines will result in immediate termination from the program, forfeiture of commissions, and potential legal consequences.

    10. Reservation of Rights

    Pago International Pty Ltd reserves the right to modify, amend, or terminate any aspect of the affiliate program at any time, including commission rates, payment schedules, or these terms and conditions. Any such changes will be communicated to Affiliates via email or through the affiliate dashboard. Continued participation in the program following any modifications will constitute the Affiliate’s acceptance of the updated terms and conditions.

    11. Limitation of Liability

    Pago International shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or related to the affiliate program or these terms and conditions. This includes, but is not limited to, loss of profits, data, or goodwill, even if Pago International has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Pago International’s liability, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, shall be limited to the total amount of commissions paid to the Affiliate in the preceding 12 months.

    12. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

    This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Victoria, Australia. Any disputes arising out of or relating to this agreement shall be resolved exclusively by the courts of Victoria. Affiliates agree to submit to the jurisdiction of these courts and waive any objections based on venue or forum non conveniens.

    By joining the Pago International Affiliate Program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with these terms and conditions. Your continued participation in the program constitutes your acceptance of any future amendments. Thank you for your partnership and commitment to promoting Pago International.